Meet Nerissa Leach: Your Expert in Pelvic Health Physiotherapy at Kumeu Physio

Pelvic health is an essential aspect of overall well-being that often goes overlooked. Yet, conditions such as pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, and pelvic floor dysfunction can significantly impact one’s quality of life. This is where Nerissa, a dedicated pelvic health physiotherapist at Kumeu Physio, steps in to provide expert care and support.

With a passion for helping individuals regain control over their pelvic health, Nerissa brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her practice. Trained in physiotherapy with qualifications in pelvic health, she understands the intricacies of the pelvic region and how it affects various bodily functions.

What sets Nerissa apart is her holistic approach to treatment. She recognises that pelvic health issues often stem from a combination of physical, psychological, and lifestyle factors. Therefore, her assessments are comprehensive, taking into account not just the symptoms but also the underlying causes.

Nerissa believes in empowering her patients through education and personalised treatment plans. Whether it’s through manual therapy techniques, pelvic floor exercises, or lifestyle modifications, she works closely with each individual to develop strategies that address their specific needs and goals.

Moreover, Nerissa creates a safe and supportive environment where patients feel comfortable discussing sensitive issues related to their pelvic health. She understands the importance of open communication in the healing process and strives to establish trust and rapport with everyone under her care.

At Kumeu Physio, Nerissa is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of her patients. By offering expert pelvic health physiotherapy, she helps individuals regain confidence, improve their quality of life, and ultimately, thrive. If you’re experiencing pelvic health issues, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation with Nerissa today, call 09412 9063. Your journey to better pelvic health starts here.